Adapted from FNESC/FNSA English First Peoples 10, 11, and 12 Teacher Resource Guide

  Emerging  Developing  Proficient  Extending 
Image(s)  Needs image  Image present, but does not enhance meaning  Uses at least one image to help represent concepts/ideas etc.  or connections between them  Uses multiple images to help represent additional understanding of concepts/ideas etc.  and show links between them. 
Connecting Ideas/ 


Does not show connections between ideas  Makes minimal (4) connections between ideas   Makes some minimal, good connections between ideas  Makes good connections between all ideas 
Colour  Sub-groups not distinguished by colour  Uses some colour to organize sub-groups  Uses colour to effectively organize sub-groups  Uses colour effectively to organize sub-groups and enhance connections between concepts/ideas 
Content  Presents 3 or less stories demonstrating little to no understanding of concepts/ideas and the connections between them; does not supply additional details  Presents 4 stories demonstrating a flawed understanding of concepts/ideas and the connections between them; does not supply additional details  Presents 5 stories demonstrating a basic understanding of concepts/ideas and the connections between them; does not supply additional details  Presents 6 or more stories demonstrating insightful understanding of concepts/ideas and the connections between them; provides additional details 
Bibliography  Few citations 


formatting is 


Some citations 

and formatting is correct. 


Most citations and formatting 

are correct. 


All citations and formatting are correct.