This week I delved into the world of Second Life as a synchronous online learning space.  Sadly, my experience was coloured by a less than ideal laptop and bandwidth.  Once I had adjusted to the lag, which affected how I moved and saw things, I was able to visit some of the unique places the game has to offer.  I would love to attempt some of the activities shown in the videos.  Due to the limited bandwidth in my area, I do not think Second Life would be a feasible addition to my current teaching, but that does not mean it will never be.  Walking around ancient ruins as if I was truly there was a unique experience and one I hope to explore more.

I wondered if other games of this sort would be useful in the classroom.  I was surprised to find that MineCraft has an Educational Edition with shared lesson plans and skins. Upon speaking to some students, they were intrigued by the possibility of using it (legitimately) in the classroom.