EDDL 5111 Final Project
Analysis: Genocide Studies often handles sensitive subject matter and this can prove to be a deterrent if mishandled. Reliable internet (especially outside of school) and access to technology other than a cell phone are issues that can impact a student’s… Continue Reading →
Throughout the readings for this week, I was struck by the addition of the fourth dimension, that of spirit. Connections have been a key component of my teaching within my current district and is strongly encouraged. Many of my learners… Continue Reading →
For the application of my media/technology checklist, I chose the math game Prodigy. I will be looking at the game through a variety of lenses: SECTIONS, CSAM and CASCIOME. While each of these criteria have their strengths, I feel that… Continue Reading →
Connection is the cornerstone of a “good” teacher and an effective classroom. These connections can begin by greeting students in the hallway or as they enter the classroom. Students need to feel that they are seen and valued before learning… Continue Reading →
In the past, I have been hesitant to call myself a constructivist teacher as I believed I relied too much on academic knowledge rather than experiential learning. This had led to a resistance to bring technology into my teaching, as… Continue Reading →
An example of incongruence where I was left confused and wondering what exactly the point was came about a few weeks ago. I teach in two schools that have large First Nations populations. As such, much of our professional development… Continue Reading →
When the Ministry of Education brought in a collection of Social Studies 12 courses (Comparative Cultures, Comparative Religions, Social Justice and Genocide Studies-to name a few) in the Spring of 2017, I jumped at the opportunity to try my hand… Continue Reading →
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