TRU EDDL Reflections

Author kmounce

EDDL 5111 Blog Post #3 – Teaching perspectives and technology

In the past, I have been hesitant to call myself a constructivist teacher as I believed I relied too much on academic knowledge rather than experiential learning.  This had led to a resistance to bring technology into my teaching, as… Continue Reading →

EDDL 5111 Blog Post 2: Experience of congruence

An example of incongruence where I was left confused and wondering what exactly the point was came about a few weeks ago.  I teach in two schools that have large First Nations populations.  As such, much of our professional development… Continue Reading →

5101 Week 2 Activity 4: What do you think about digital literacy?

Design a student activity that develops digital literacy. Activity Can be completed face-to-face or with a Jamboard Students, in small groups, will be provided with an image and some basic information (location and/or date).  They will be asked guiding questions… Continue Reading →

EDDL 5101: Finding Help

One of my educational technology strengths is my willingness to dive in head first.  Within education, I am willing to try any new technique or strategy at least once, or more if needed.  Another strength is my desire to explore,… Continue Reading →

EDDL 5111 Week 1: Attempt at blending

When the Ministry of Education brought in a collection of Social Studies 12 courses (Comparative Cultures, Comparative Religions, Social Justice and Genocide Studies-to name a few) in the Spring of 2017, I jumped at the opportunity to try my hand… Continue Reading →

5101 Reflection Week 1

How does the history of education and educational technology impact what we do when we teach with technology today? The history of  Western education lies in making citizens ready for the workplace and much of the knowledge that was taught… Continue Reading →

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